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What our clients are saying...

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How do you measure success?


We measure ours by the successes that are experienced by our clients.  Whether your success is measured in the first days, over a period of weeks, in a series of multiple levels, or over the long term, those incremental achievements are what we are aiming for... and we aim high.


We don't expect you to be our client forever.  That isn't our goal.  Our strategy is to get your data updated, payment history added, and scores and ratings to their best possible position as quickly as possible — all while teaching you to better understand what impacts your business credit and how you can control those impacts.


Some clients only need our assistance for a month, others for longer, and some choose to extend their services on an annual basis for years and years to make sure their credit report never falls into disrepair again.


When you first sign up for services, we'll set a goal of where you need to be and what you want to accomplish.  Whether that goal is short-term or long-term varies from one business to the next, one owner to the next, and from one goal to the next.  We have never used one-size-fits-all strategies, and we never will.


Overall, our primary focus is always going to be making sure you are happy with the services you receive and the credit you achieve along the way. 


Not ready to pay for services yet?  That's okay.  You can always read through our blog for a variety of tips and techniques to help you build the business credit that best suits your company and your needs, and then move along at a pace that fits your own timeline.  Afterall, the goal here is for you to better understand what factors impact your business credit so that you can plot a forward path to success.


~ Joy Greenwood, Owner

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