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You should know… There is no company who can guarantee with any certainty that they will be able to attain a certain dollar amount of credit for you in a specific timeframe. No matter what they promise in their promotions, no one can legitimately pinpoint the time it will take to achieve business credit, the dollar amount they will get for you, or whether they will even be able to get credit established for your company at all. The best possible precursor to approvals is the exchange of accurate information.


If a company is promising you the sun and the moon, you need to come down from those lofty expectations and put your feet back onto a solid path again.


It is okay to dream of those high dollar approvals but, in reality, you could take the exact same application to 15 different banks or credit cards and get 15 different approval amounts.  Reality is ... the CEO and directors of every bank, every credit card company, financing organization, creditor, and lender have set their own criteria, specific to their own companies, specific to their lending practices, specific to what their own independent underwriters will allow. While a call to an agent may be necessary to raise a low approval amount or reverse a misinformed denial, computers do most of the creative thinking for lenders in today's market.


Most creditors, but certainly not all, rely on a service D&B provides that allows them to preset their criteria for approvals and denials simply by filling in the blanks on a form. They define this criteria based upon computerized algorithm technology. This allows lenders to process thousands of applications in the time it normally would have taken a human to make a decision on just one. For instance, BankA may approve someone who has a Paydex score that is above 75, but only if their Supplier Evaluation Risk rating is below a 6 and Financial Stress Score is lower than a 3. BankB may deny the application, even if all those numbers are at those same levels, but refuse to approve because you do not have a full D&B rating (meaning that your file is missing information).


Even the most skilled credit coaching company is not going to be able to guarantee you with absolute certainty which lender will approve and for what amount because they simply do not know what unforeseen factors may impact those algorithms. There are too many factors that come into play and each is going to vary according to the lender.  When you consider that there are 75 different factors associated to five D&B risk ratings, and each factor is gauged against other variables that are directly associated to yet another variable, it is no wonder computers are doing the heavy lifting these days.


And it is also no wonder so many people can be easily convinced by the wolves in the marketplace who say they can definitively get you $30,000 or $75,000 or $150,000 in credit, and can do so in 30 days, or 60 days, or 6 months. Read the small print in your contract and you will usually find their seemingly innocent disclaimers written in.


So how much business credit can I realistically expect?


Reputable companies will tell you right off the launch pad that they cannot and will not guarantee a specific dollar amount of credit in a specified time frame. They will tell you that your credit approvals will be based upon the scores and ratings found in your D&B report, and those scores and ratings are derived from information D&B gathers from a multitude of sources. A reputable company will tell you that your business Experian and Equifax reports may show positive payment history that your D&B report does not, and that you can oftentimes get that positive information placed into your D&B credit profile with little or no expense of your own. Truth be told, a reputable credit coach will tell you the best way to pinpoint approvals is to look at your overall Composite Credit Appraisal (and they need to actually know what that is and how it is derived).


So if you want the sun and the moon and have lots of time, money, and blind faith, the wolves are waiting for you out there.


But if what you want is an immediate improvement to your D&B report and a steady improvement in your business credit profile that will stand the test of time, as well as provide you with the credit you need for growth or investment, then you need to reach for the stars -- Starpoint Credit Solutions, where we specialize in getting your business the credit it deserves.


What you don't know can truly hurt you, so here are some things you should know before you ever lay down a single dollar or sign on the dotted line.


• It is realistic to believe you can achieve credit in your business name -- it happens every day.

• There are various types of credit out there, whether that is retailer credit, store credit cards, bank lines of credit or credit cards, or hard money lenders.

• This credit is attainable for you, will remain available to you for years to come, and will grow as you continue to use it responsibly.


Do you need to improve your business credit scores and ratings?


We can help...


30-Day Powerboost


The fastest, easiest, and most affordable way to build and boost your business credit scores and ratings...


And we do most of the work for you!



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  • Send you an updated report as changes occur

  • Establish new trade lines for your business

  • Advise you against potentially risky behavior

  • Provide companies who can report payment history to the business credit bureaus

  • Register your business with

  • Provide you with guidelines and the training you'll need to keep making progress

  • Refer you to trustworthy lending sources for working capital and business lines of credit

  • Walk you through the application process and answer your questions along the way

  • Keep you on a consistent track to success


The opinions expressed on this website are those of Starpoint Credit Solutions LLC and its ownership.
Information is provided on this website for insight, educational and training purposes only.

Starpoint Credit Solutions LLC is not affiliated with Dun & Bradstreet or any other commercial credit bureau. If a bureau, product or service is mentioned by name, it is for informational purposes only and not as an endorsement, representation or recommendation for the named bureau, product or any service they may offer.
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Starpoint Credit Solutions LLC
11504 Joy Street   |   Austin, TX 78748
Phone / Fax  (800) 918-7505
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